National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI)

National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) is a highly regarded engineering school situated in Bambili-Bamenda, Cameroon. With six departments, NAHPI offers Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng), Master of Engineering (M.Eng), Master of Science (MSc), and PhD programs, emphasizing hands-on exercises, experimentation, and internships. Admission is competitive and based on an entrance examination into the First or Third Years of studies. 

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NAHPI Entrance 2022-2023 Concours

The National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) is part of the University of Bamenda, located in Cameroon. The institute offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering, technology, and applied sciences.

Every year, NAHPI conducts a competitive entrance examination to select students for admission to the first year of its undergraduate programs. The examination covers subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and is open to candidates who meet the institute’s eligibility criteria. Successful candidates are then admitted to the institute and can begin their studies towards a degree in their chosen field.

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